Free Shipping

Vitamin Boost offers a promotion where we provide Free Shipping to customers that support us by writing a short product review.

Without this support we can’t afford to offer free shipping, so it is required. We wish we could give free shipping to everyone, but we can’t. Our shipping is $10 flat rate pretty much world wide which we think is very reasonable. Our free shipping promotion is limited to European Union, North America and Australia.

Problems? – see troubleshooting below.

 Free shipping for writing a review

  1. Be a returning customer living in a country to which we ship for free
  2. Go to the webpage of a product you have purchased from us in the past
  3. Leave a review using the same email address you used when last ordered (click on ‘reviews’ part way down any product page and leave your own at the bottom of the list, email addresses are not published)
  4. Add any items you would like to purchase to your shopping cart
  5. In checkout look for the “You supported us in social media…Thank You!” message
  6. Choose ‘free-shipping-social’ or one of the other gifts


At the top of this page is the same info box as in the checkout. If it says “Looking for free shipping…” the website has not yet qualified you. If it says “Thanks for support us” you have been qualified.

  • I should already have free free shipping – You have to qualify for each order separately, for returning customers this usually means leaving a review
  • LIKE not working – unfortunately you can only like us once, and we need your continued support! We added the free shipping for a review option above just for you.
  • I picked ‘Free Shipping’ but was charged $10 – our system should have changed you from Flat Rate to Free automatically, but sometimes it fails.  Send us an email and we can see the coupon was applied and will refund the $10. Sorry about the inconvenience.
  • I don’t use social media like Facebook – only by exchanging for promotion can we offer free shipping, sorry. On your next order you can get free shipping by writing a review!
  • I already ordered – if you just ordered and something didn’t work check whether the info box at the top of this page says you support us, then email using the form below

Free Shipping Social Problem or Questions

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